
unter Mitarbeit von

Natalia Bolatti-Guzzo

Andrea Intilia, Alvise Matessi & Marco De Pietri


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1 Hits

  • = Giusfredi F. − Pisaniello V., KUB 37.122: A Mesopotamian Lexical List?, in: VO 23 65-80. ["In this paper, we will offer an edition and commentary of the fragment KUB 37.122, usually referred to as a Samenliste, but generally not included among the lexical lists from the Hattusa archives. We will also discuss some peculiarities of the contents, the syllabary, and the graphemics of the text, and we will try to contextualize the text within the complex scenario of the Akkadian texts written, or copied, in the Hittite capital city". [ISSN 0393-0300 ; e-ISSN 2532-5159]]

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